Erica Grimm

Salt Water Skin Boats

February 17–March 17, 2016
These multimedia panels and mylar drawings examine metaphors of blindness and imagine textual dialogues as a means to understand complex global eco patterns, asking why paying attention in the anthropocene is so important. How might these metaphoric blinded/balancing/embodied/textual encounters illuminate ocean change, the most urgent of wicked problems facing humanity today?

Set against a background of the chemistry and physics of ocean change, these images juxtapose elegant crystallized mathematical formulas with imagined textual dialogues (between Lao Tzu, Pope Francis’s Laudato si’, Applebaum’s The Stop, and Derrida’s Memoirs of the Blind) and blind bodies balancing, diving, swimming, and floating. With these somaesthetic encounters stopped at the brink of imagining a new way, I try to process the implications of the changing global oceans. For so long, the ocean has been an emblem of healing and spiritual solace. What might it mean to consider that the ocean is sick? And what are the implications for our own balancing bodies?   

This current work is fuelled by environmental urgency, but draws equally on environmental fecundity, freedom, and the miraculousness of the ordinary.