The Gallery exists to:
Submissions are open to artists who are sympathetic to the Dal Schindell Gallery’s mandate. We value artwork that stimulates thought and reflection on the beauty and complexity of the world and on fundamental questions of meaning and identity. We aim to foster dialogue and discussion about our shared humanity with those of other faiths and of none.
Send us Your SubmissionGillian joined the Dal Schindell Gallery in 2024, bringing a rich background in both the arts and theology. She is a Regent College alumna, graduating in 2023 with the Master of Theological Studies (MATS), completing an Integrative Project in Art and Theology IPIAT with a gallery exhibition called “Lost and Found.” Growing up in the breathtaking landscapes of Alberta and British Columbia, Gillian developed a profound appreciation for nature and the environments we inhabit. The juxtaposition of the natural beauty of the Rocky Mountains with the mineral resource industry in the Kootenays has deeply influenced her artistic vision. This background fuels her passion for introducing beauty into unexpected spaces, challenging conventional notions of where and how art can be experienced. After completing a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in Multidisciplinary Studies from the University of Lethbridge, Gillian has participated in artist residencies in Canada and overseas that have broadened her creative horizons.
Currently residing in Vancouver, BC, Gillian embraces the balance of mountain life and urban exploration through athletic and creative pursuits. When not in the studio, she can be found exploring cityscapes or chasing winter storms with her snowboard. As a curator, her commitment to integrating art, theology, and community engagement continues to shape her work at the Dal Schindell Gallery, making a lasting impact on both the local and broader art communities.
When the Regent College building opened in 1988, the space occupied by the Dal Schindell Gallery was originally intended as a boardroom and classroom. But the openness of the space didn’t quite work for meetings or classes. And so the purpose for the area remained for a time, until its potential as a space for art began to take shape.
Things started happening organically in the space: some walls were built to provide a studio for a fine arts professor on sabbatical, who painted on site and showed his work on the walls. Student Lindsey Farrell came to Regent from Australia on a government grant that stipulated a public exhibition of the work he did while at Regent. Well respected Vancouver artist John Koerner, with strong family ties to UBC, held an exhibition of his work in the space.
Dal Schindell
These shows indicated great promise for the space to become a formal art gallery that showcased first-rate artwork and brought together a virbant mix of people. Individuals such as Laurel Gasque worked very hard to promote the value of the new gallery, which officially opened in 1990 under the direction of Dal Schindell. Sculptor David Robinson held a very successful show here, and news of the Lookout Gallery, as it was originally called, spread throughout the city as David also began to exhibit elsewhere.
Over the past twenty-five years, the Lookout Gallery has thrived as a place where work by students, as well local and international artists, has been shown without the demands of the commercial gallery scene. This freedom has allowed emerging artists to have a place to exhibit their work. The College's commitment to allow the gallery to be a place of development and challenge has been key to its mandate.
In April 2019, the Lookout Gallery became the Dal Schindell Gallery. The unveiling of the new name took place during a special ceremony on April 2, 2019. This ceremony came as a complete surprise to Dal. Led to Regent on a ruse, Dal was greeted by President Jeff Greenman and escorted to the gallery accompanied by his wife, Kit Schindell. There, they were welcomed by dozens of friends and former colleagues including two former Regent Presidents, past and present staff and faculty, friends of the College, and a number of artists who have exhibited in the gallery. After an introduction by Jeff, Dal was instructed to rip the black curtain off the middle wall. Behind the curtain was the new name, along with a charcoal portrait of Dal, done by Vancouver artist Grace Tan. Read the full story here.
Regent College offers a concentration in Christianity and the Arts as part of its Master of Arts in Theological Studies degree. Students in this concentration can complete an Integrative Project in Art and Theology (IPIAT) as their capstone project. For students who have experience in the arts, the IPIAT is an opportunity to create and present a major new work of art (e.g., an exhibition, a short film or documentary, a concert of original music, a screenplay, a play script, a collection of poetry or short stories), accompanied by a research paper investigating the historical contexts and theological dimensions of the work. An IPIAT may be taken for 6 or 12 credits, depending on the size of the project.
Completing an IPIAT in the visual arts includes an opportunity for students to present their work in a solo or group exhibition at the Dal Schindell Gallery. Learn more about the IPIAT.