Michelle Leone Huisman
Michelle Leone Huisman is a fine art photographer, mother of two, and community advocate. She graduated from Toronto Metropolitan University with a Bachelor in Photo Arts (Stills) with honours (1995/96), and Emily Carr University of Art + Design Photographic Arts (2009-2010). After graduating from TMU, she traveled to Nepal, Laos, Thailand, and all over Europe. These travels helped shape her artistic vision and added to her drive to support her community. In 2021 Michelle toured her photographic exhibition An Unexpected Collection, featuring photographs of wooden spoons broken during the banging of pots for the 7PM cheer for first responders.
Artist Website
Global Pandemic is fine art photographer Michelle Leone Huisman’s statement on the two pandemics we are currently facing: COVID-19 and a second more insidious accumulation of waste produced in response.